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.Read Different Brief Analytic Articles about various Subjects.Your Opinions and Comments Will be Appreciated

Write a professional and simple audio recording program with Python code that will selectively record and save high quality

You can use sounddevice and scipy library to record sound using Python. You can use the following command to install these two libraries:

!pip install sounddevice scipy

Then, using the following commands, you can write a simple program to record audio:

import sounddevice as sd from import write fs = 44100 # نرخ نمونه‌برداری duration = 10 # مدت زمان ضبط صدا (ثانیه) # ضبط صدا recording = sd.rec(int(fs * duration), samplerate=fs, channels=1) # انتظار برای اتمام ضبط صدا sd.wait() # ذخیره‌ی فایل write("recorded_audio.wav", fs, recording)

In this program, the sampling rate (fs) and recording duration (duration) are determined first. Then, using the sd.rec() function, the sound is recorded from the microphone and stored in an array named recording. Finally, using the write() function, the recorded array is saved as a wav file named recorded_audio.wav.

To record audio from external sources such as an audio player, you can request input from the user and save the audio file given as input to the program as a recording using the scipy library. For example, in the following code, using the function, the audio file is played from an external source and the recorded sound is saved using recording:

import sounddevice as sd from import write, read fs = 44100 # نرخ نمونه‌برداری duration = 10 # مدت زمان ضبط صدا (ثانیه) # پخش صدا print("Press any key to start playing audio...") input() audio, _ = read("input_audio.wav"), fs) sd.wait() # ضبط صدا recording = sd.rec(int(fs * duration), samplerate=fs, channels=1) # انتظار برای اتمام ضبط صدا sd.wait() # ذخیره‌ی فایل write("recorded_audio.wav", fs, recording)

In this code, we first insert the desired audio file, which is here as input_audio.wav and at the same address as the program file, using the read() function. Then using, this audio file is played and the user can receive its sound. Then, using the rec() function, we record the user's voice and store it in the recording array. Finally, using the write() function, the recorded audio file is saved as recorded_audio.wav.

Please note that in order to use the microphone in the program, you must give the necessary permissions to your Python program.

A simple html code for generating 16 digits key program on a webpage.

To generate a 16 digit key program in a web page using HTML, I suggest using the "input" tag with the "type" attribute set to "number" which restricts input to numeric values only. Here's an example code snippet:

<input type="number" pattern="[0-9]{16}" maxlength="16" required>

This will create an input field that only accepts 16 digits and is required to be filled out. You can then use JavaScript or other programming languages to generate the key program and display it in the field.

Here's a simple HTML code for generating a 16-digit key program on a web page:


<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>16-Digit Key Generator</title>

    <script src="keygen.js"></script>



    <h1>16-Digit Key Generator</h1>

    <p>Click the button below to generate a random 16-digit key:</p>

    <button onclick="generateKey()">Generate Key</button>

    <p id="key"></p>



And here's a JavaScript function to generate a random 16-digit number:


function generateKey() {

  var key = "";

  var possible = "0123456789";

  for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

    key += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));


  document.getElementById("key").innerHTML = key;


Save both files as keygen.html and keygen.js respectively and open keygen.html in a web browser. When you click the "Generate Key" button, the function will generate a random 16-digit number and display it on the web page.

I have completed the task of writing a simple HTML code for generating a 16-digit key program in a web page. Additionally, I have integrated the JavaScript function in the HTML code to display the generated 16-digit key in the web page. 

To achieve the overall objective of writing a simple HTML code for generating a 16-digit key program on a web page, I would write the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>16-Digit Key Generator</title>



<h1>16-Digit Key Generator</h1>

<p>Click the button below to generate a random 16-digit key:</p>

<button onclick="generateKey()">Generate Key</button>

<p id="key"></p>


function generateKey() {

var min = Math.ceil(1000000000000000);

var max = Math.floor(9999999999999999);

var key = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

document.getElementById("key").innerHTML = key;





The JavaScript function generateKey() generates a random 16-digit number between 1000000000000000 and 9999999999999999, and sets the innerHTML of the key paragraph element to the generated number. The button element calls the generateKey() function when clicked.